The Tribunal’s brochures answer frequently asked questions about the Tribunal and its processes.
Brochures in other languages
Dari | دری
- Your Mental Health Tribunal Hearing – جلسه دادگاه صحت روان شما
- My Mental Health Tribunal hearing is over, and I am still and involuntary patient. What happens next? – جلسه دادرسی دادگاه صحت روان من تمام شده است و من همچنان یک مریض غیر ارادی هستم. بعدا چه اتفاقی می افتد؟
Chinese (Simplified) | 简体中文
- Your Mental Health Tribunal Hearing – 您的精神健康仲裁庭听证会
- My Mental Health Tribunal hearing is over, and I am still and involuntary patient. What happens next? – 我的精神健康仲裁庭听证会已经结束,但我仍然是非自愿患者。接下来会发生什么?
Polish | Polski
- Your Mental Health Tribunal Hearing – Twoja rozprawa w Trybunale Zdrowia Psychicznego
- My Mental Health Tribunal hearing is over, and I am still and involuntary patient. What happens next? – Moja rozprawa w Trybunale Zdrowia Psychicznego dobiegła końca, a ja nadal jestem pacjentem przymusowo hospitalizowanym. Jakie są następne kroki?
Vietnamese | Tiếng Việt
- Your Mental Health Tribunal Hearing – Phiên điều trần của Tòa án Sức khỏe Tâm thần của quý vị
- My Mental Health Tribunal hearing is over, and I am still and involuntary patient. What happens next? – Phiên điều trần của Tòa án Sức khỏe Tâm thần của tôi đã kết thúc và tôi vẫn là bệnh nhân không tự nguyện. Bước tiếp theo là gì?
Other helpful brochures
The Mental Health Advocacy Service also has information which may help you. Click here to view.
The Mental Health Advocacy Service produces information in Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, English, Hindi, Swahili and Vietnamese.
Page reviewed 18 December 2024