Applications by doctors
Some applications to the Tribunal may be made only by a patient’s psychiatrist. The application forms which must be used are here.
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
Application for ECT Approval to Perform Electroconvulsive Therapy s 410
The Tribunal usually hears ECT applications about 5 to 7 days after receipt. This allows the Tribunal enough time to notify the relevant parties as required under the Act. It also provides time for the Mental Health Advocacy Service or the Mental Health Law Centre to contact the patient.
If you need approval to perform ECT within a shorter time frame, please contact the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist to discuss emergency ECT approval. If you have received approval for emergency ECT, please inform the Tribunal immediately so we can avoid scheduling the hearing on a day when ECT will be administered to the patient.
Approval to Perform Psychosurgery s 417(1)
Review direction to make CTO
Additionally, where a psychiatrist has been directed by an order of the Tribunal under s 395(2)(b) to make a community treatment order, the psychiatrist named in the order may apply for a review of that decision by lodging an Application for Review of Direction to Make Community Treatment Order s 396
Useful materials
Chief Psychiatrist’s Standards for Clinical Care 2015
Chief Psychiatrist’s ECT Standards 2025
Chief Psychiatrist’s Guidelines required under Section 547 of the Mental Health Act 2014
Page reviewed 20 January 2025